Phillip Barr died on March 21st 2013 from complications of an enlarged heart which was pumping out blood clots all over his body. He was in bad shape with one kidney not working, a cyst on the other one and a liver that was bad. It was truly a shock and it really set me back. You don’t think that your kid brother would go before you. With mom and dad deceased and my brother gone it has been terribly depressing. He never mentioned to me he was feeling bad or anything. I know he had a lot of friends in the band in Denver City High School and he was very well liked. I think he was in the Class of 1970. Peace out. Bob Barr.
Martin Baker
Phil you were one of my best friends and you documented some of the most important events of my life. Like the first time I got drunk. Our graduation night party and my wedding. I do miss you my friend.